Saturday, January 1, 2011

Eye Donation Survey

This year make a resolution that lasts not for a week, not for a month, not for a lifetime, but FOREVER. Start this decade with a good.. Help someone to see the MISSING COLOURS in their life.

A startup NGO is conducting a survey to analyze trends about EYE DONATION and ITS AWARENESS IN INDIA to come up with some innovative solution to support the cause.

All you need to do is spend 4 minutes of your precious time for filling out this survey @
 You can help them by:
  1. Filling out online survey @
  2. Asking your friends, family member of any age group to fill this survey
  3. Posting this information to your Social Network ex. Facebook, Twitter, Orkut etc.
  4. Forwarding this email to your group.

For more details you can subscribe at

REMEMBER: Your small steps can make big changes to someone’s life... spare some of your time for someone's better life...

*Please circulate this message which can help someone see. *  *

         "Helping hands are better than Praying Lips".

 Pass this to all you know, & whom you don't know.. together we can and, we will make a difference!